Reflections on Aging

Cicero called old age - " the autumn of life" and certainly each stage of life has its own beauty and its own tasks. There is a dignified maturity to autumn that is restful and calls upon us to reflect...a certain sharpness to the air and shadows that focuses the mind...

Play to Your Strengths

We've all heard it before - 'Play to Your Strengths". This adage applies in all sorts of situations in life and I was reminded of its applicability when I was presenting to an Early Stage Alzheimer's Group at the Lanark County Alzheimer's Society this week. One of the...

Walking the Fine Line

I recently read an advertorial aimed at the 'dutiful daughter'. The writer asked two questions: Do your parents and siblings rely on you whenever problems arise? Are you currently caring for your elderly parents as their health declines? If so, you may be a Dutiful...

Are You Socially Well?

Determining your level of social wellness is a good indicator of whether or not you are burning out as a caregiver. Social wellness is supported by healthy interpersonal relationships and access to support from family, friends, church and community while caregiving. I...