Mary McKinlay inspires me

Mary McKinlay faced early onset Alzheimer's and in a recent CBC interview she talks candidly about the symptoms that alerted her to the possibility that something might be wrong. Mary talks very calmly and clearly about the effects Alzheimer's disease is having on her...

A Woman’s Mind

In Toronto today, experts at the first Women’s Brain Health Academic Symposium will explore why women are twice as likely as men to develop Alzheimer’s disease. While researchers are speculating that a drop in oestrogen levels after menopause may be a factor, it may...

Meditation is Good for Your Brain

According to Lucy Jo Palladino, author of Find Your Focus Zone, “The dangers of the digital age include incessant work demands, high stress, feeling rushed, no time for intimacy, lost family time – the problems we see every day. But the most overlooked danger of...

Music and Brain Recovery

Gabrielle Giffords, the U.S. Congresswoman who survived the bullet through her brain is making a remarkable recovery. She made the news today with a story about the use of music in aiding her recovery. Since music and rhythm work across all parts of the brain, the...