Genes Are Not Your Destiny

Genes Are Not Your Destiny

What do your genes say about you? While your genetics are outside of your control, your genes are not your destiny. You may have genes that predispose you to certain health outcomes. If you do nothing to counteract them, you will develop that disease. But we know from...
Dementia and Sleep – Nine Things You Can Do To Improve Sleep

Dementia and Sleep – Nine Things You Can Do To Improve Sleep

It’s very common for individuals suffering from dementia to have trouble sleeping. What we don’t know is which comes first. Does dementia lead to disrupted sleep patterns? Or do disrupted sleep patterns have an impact on the progression of dementia? It is...
Dance: Exercise Your Mind and Body To Protect Your Brain

Dance: Exercise Your Mind and Body To Protect Your Brain

Thomas Carlyle famously said, “No pressure, no diamonds.”   Diamonds don’t form without pressure, and the analogy can be stretched to putting pressure on your brain through ‘thinking’ can also keep it sparkly and strong. Okay – maybe it is a silly analogy but the...

The Rise of Pseudomedicine for Dementia and Brain Health

A recent article published online at the JAMA network looked at the rise of different therapies being promoted for dementia and brain health. In particular, the article took aim at the supplement market. The author argues, ‘the most common example of...

Alcohol Consumption Increases Dementia Risk

Alcohol consumption and dementia have a complex relationship. And the landscape is changing. In the past few years, research has been published suggesting: Red wine as part of the Mediterranean diet may lower dementia risk. Heavy drinking has been linked to increased...

5 Ways that Lack of Sleep Affects the Brain

Have you been skimping on sleep thinking that you’re gaining more from your waking hours? Let’s face it! You have been fooling yourself all this time.   Scientific evidence suggests that depriving the mind off sleep distorts the way it functions. The truth is,...