Caregiver Stress
The first objective in dealing with caregiver stress is to recognize that it exists. Often when you are in the middle of a slowly deteriorating health situation it is difficult to recognize your own fatigue. With the build-up of fatigue come feelings of being...
Prescribing Mozart
A recent article reported in the Yale Journal of Medicine and Law examined the expanding field of musical therapy. Music therapy is being proposed as a treatment for autism, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease, to name a few. Highly individualized programs involving...
I Remember Better When I Paint
I Remember Better When I Paint
Social stimulation is important for brain health
While computers can be great for so many things it is important to remember that complex human interaction can vastly improve our cognitive skills — reasoning, contextual thinking, problem-solving, decision-making. When we enter into a human relationship we are...
Identifying Alzheimer’s before symptoms appear
Durin Technologies Inc, a New Jersey based company has developed a new blood test for Alzheimer's that they believe is 96% accurate and can perhaps detect the disease even before symptoms such as memory loss occur. Currently doctors use evaluation of behaviour and...
Caregiver and Care-receiver – Talking About Core Values
A new study from researchers at Pennsylvania State University and the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging finds that caregivers and their relatives who suffer from dementia widely disagree on the amount and quality of care both given and received. The study identified...