What Would You Do Differently?

If you had your life to live over – what would you do differently? It’s a provocative question to think about. Dr. Tim Lau gets to ask that question everyday – and the answers he gets may surprise you. Watch the third interview with Dr. Lau and let...

Having Control – Is It a Key to Happiness?

A lesson learned from Dr. Lau’s patients is that happiness does not depend on whether or not you have control of your life. It is not so much control over events but our attitude towards those events that have an impact on our level of happiness. In this...

Alzheimer’s Did Not Dim Her Shining Eyes

Last week I had the opportunity to work with an Alzheimer’s Day Program using the InterAct™ kit. We had a lot of fun with great interaction and engagement by the individuals who participated. One woman, in particular, really stood out for me. While I don’t...

Play to Your Strengths

We’ve all heard it before – ‘Play to Your Strengths”. This adage applies in all sorts of situations in life and I was reminded of its applicability when I was presenting to an Early Stage Alzheimer’s Group at the Lanark County...

Nothing is lost if it is loved

I was reading a book ‘Before I Go – Letters to Our Children about what Really Matters’  by Peter Kreeft and I came across this quote that just struck me. It was so profound I’ve been thinking about it all day – and all those who are gone...