Awe Walks Are Good For You

Awe Walks Are Good For You

Awe and wonder are common in children. Everything they see is through new eyes. As we get older, we lose that freshness of sight. We may even experience social disconnection, more anxiety, and sadness. And these feelings were exacerbated through the pandemic. These...
Genes Are Not Your Destiny

Genes Are Not Your Destiny

What do your genes say about you? While your genetics are outside of your control, your genes are not your destiny. You may have genes that predispose you to certain health outcomes. If you do nothing to counteract them, you will develop that disease. But we know from...
Questions Open New Horizons

Questions Open New Horizons

Every Friday I am giving you a challenge in a lifestyle area that can make a difference to brain health. Last week I gave you a Spirituality Challenge. You were supposed to write down your complaints and then reframe them into positive opportunities. If you can’t...