Aging Well – Doing It Together

Aging Well – Doing It Together

As the year begins, I want to ask you a question. What are your views on aging? This year I want to explore what it means to age well. I also want to offer positive things you can do to improve your experience of aging. We all do it – so let’s do it well...

Helping Someone with Depression

  We may believe that getting older means getting depressed. We may think it is a normal part of aging and accept it. But it is simply not the case. Most of us are living longer and more independently than previous generations. So if you are feeling depressed...

Mother to Mother

It’s been just over a month since my  mom died and I’m facing my first Mother’s Day without her. The wound is still raw and I know that I’ll spend Sunday thinking of my mom and the intangible things she gave me – like courage and an...

The Need to Connect and Care

I love all my electronic gadgets – texting, tweeting, pinning and posting … but if you never take the relationship further, the interactions can remain quite superficial. I was reminded of this fact by Mari Smith in her great book ‘The New...

What Would You Do Differently?

If you had your life to live over – what would you do differently? It’s a provocative question to think about. Dr. Tim Lau gets to ask that question everyday – and the answers he gets may surprise you. Watch the third interview with Dr. Lau and let...

Reflections on Aging

Cicero called old age – ” the autumn of life” and certainly each stage of life has its own beauty and its own tasks. There is a dignified maturity to autumn that is restful and calls upon us to reflect…a certain sharpness to the air and shadows...