While it’s never going to be easy to watch one of your loved ones start to deteriorate over time, modern technology and medicine can certainly help lighten the weight on your shoulders. If you have someone in your life who is suffering from something that makes...
Join us for a complimentary one-hour presentation on brain health and cognitive exercises in celebration of Brain Health Week. Monday March 11th 2019 at 10am – Landmark Court – 140 Darlington Private at 2pm – Queenswood Villa – 370...
A recent article published online at the JAMA network looked at the rise of different therapies being promoted for dementia and brain health. In particular, the article took aim at the supplement market. The author argues, ‘the most common example of...
The month of November is a time to remember. On November 11th there is a collective moment around much of the world to reflect on the sacrifice made by many soldiers, sailors and airmen and women. Is remembering important? Our collective memory shapes us. It has an...
Being diagnosed with dementia can be devastating to a friendship. Individuals with dementia often feel their friends have abandoned them and friends often don’t know what to say or how to react. You may even wonder…’Can we still be friends?’...
Alcohol consumption and dementia have a complex relationship. And the landscape is changing. In the past few years, research has been published suggesting: Red wine as part of the Mediterranean diet may lower dementia risk. Heavy drinking has been linked to increased...