As the year begins, I want to ask you a question. What are your views on aging? This year I want to explore what it means to age well. I also want to offer positive things you can do to improve your experience of aging. We all do it – so let’s do it well...
Awe and wonder are common in children. Everything they see is through new eyes. As we get older, we lose that freshness of sight. We may even experience social disconnection, more anxiety, and sadness. And these feelings were exacerbated through the pandemic. These...
What do your genes say about you? While your genetics are outside of your control, your genes are not your destiny. You may have genes that predispose you to certain health outcomes. If you do nothing to counteract them, you will develop that disease. But we know from...
Can you define a “well-aged” wine or cheese? Easy? How about a “well-aged” life? That becomes a little more difficult! Setting Standards Medical science gives us various ‘aging well’ standards. Some standards emphasize physical ability. Others...
A positive attitude has a powerful effect on both the brain and the body. Research shows that positive thinking can Improve your immune system Help you cope better with stress Make you more resilient Help you live longer In fact, the impact of a positive attitude has...
These times are certainly challenging but I find it helpful for my mental resilience to continue to set goals and move forward. Set Goals Every quarter I think it is a great time to set some new goals. At Fit Minds we like to do a Check Up from the Neck Up to set...