Page 6 - Fit Minds Program Catalog (2018)
P. 6

Subscription Content

Groups - Independent Living

This is a subscription-based, turn-key, brain fitness program
designed for independent seniors in a retirement or community
setting. The program helps build
cognitive resilience and create a healthy
brain fitness routine.

The subscription includes:
    • a new lesson plan with cognitive
    exercises every week
    • a lifestyle challenge with each
    session to encourage the adoption of
    brain healthy lifestyle choices
    • a mini kit of manipulatives

Our group programs build community and encourage human
interaction. Delivered by community staff who are certified Fit
Minds Facilitators.

"I became motivated and more confident about engaging in cognitive
activities. I started reading again! I came to understand that simply doing
crossword puzzles was not enough to keep my brain healthy.”

A Fit Minds Client

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