Page 15 - Fit Minds Program Catalog (2018)
P. 15
Fit Minds Cognitive Coach Certification Course
Designed for individuals who want a deeper understanding of
the brain, aging, dementia, assessments, and
cognitive stimulation therapy.
Course Length: 20 hours
Module One: Taking A Coach Approach
Prepares you with the skills to form meaningful
relationships with seniors across the cognitive
Module Two: Understanding the Science
Prepares you to talk knowledgably about the brain, normal
cognitive aging, dementia and cognitive stimulation therapy.
Module Three: The Fit Minds Program
Prepares you to effectively implement a comprehensive cognitive
stimulation therapy program.
Module Four: Living Well
Prepares you to understand and support healthy brain lifestyle choices.
Module Five: Using Assessments
Prepares you to understand and use geriatric-specific assessment tools.
Upon course completion you will have subscription access to the Fit
Minds database and reporting platform.
“The biggest reward of working with seniors is building relationships of trust and
watching them improve their cognitive abilities .”
Amy Parmer, certified Fit Minds Coach